Find the first repeated word in a string in Python using Dictionary
Prerequisite : Dictionary data structure Given a string, Find the 1st repeated word in a string. Examples:...
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Python – Reverse Dictionary Keys Order
Sometimes, while working with dictionary, we can have a problem in which we need to reverse the order of dictionary. This is quite a common problem and can have application in many domains including day-day programming and web development. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this problem can be solved....
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Create Dynamic Dictionary Python using for Loop
A for loop may be used to cycle over a collection of keys and values in Python to generate a dynamic dictionary. With this method, we may create dictionaries on the fly depending on specific requirements or information. In this article, we will see how to create a dynamic dictionary in Python using a for loop....
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Python – List of dictionaries all values Summation
Given a list of dictionaries, extract all the values summation....
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Python dictionary, set and counter to check if frequencies can become same
Given a string which contains lower alphabetic characters, we need to remove at most one character from this string in such a way that frequency of each distinct character becomes same in the string....
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Python – Convert List to List of dictionaries
Given list values and keys list, convert these values to key value pairs in form of list of dictionaries....
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Python – Unnest single Key Nested Dictionary List
Sometimes, while working with Python data, we can have a problem in which we need to perform unnesting of all the dictionaries which have single nesting of keys, i.e a single key and value and can easily be pointed to outer key directly. This kind of problem is common in domains requiring data optimization. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Difference in keys of two dictionaries
In this article, we will be given two dictionaries dic1 and dic2 which may contain the same keys and we have to find the difference of keys in the given dictionaries using Python....
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Python | Find dictionary matching value in list
The problem of getting only the suitable dictionary that has a particular value of the corresponding key is quite common when one starts working with a dictionary in Python. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python – Count occurrences of each word in given text file
Many times it is required to count the occurrence of each word in a text file. To achieve so, we make use of a dictionary object that stores the word as the key and its count as the corresponding value. We iterate through each word in the file and add it to the dictionary with a count of 1. If the word is already present in the dictionary we increment its count by 1....
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Python | Convert dictionary to list of tuples
Given a dictionary, write a Python program to convert the given dictionary into list of tuples....
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Delete a Python Dictionary Item If the Key Exists
In Python, dictionaries are like containers that help us keep and find information easily. They use key-value pairs to organize data, making them super helpful. But sometimes, we need to get rid of something specific from the dictionary, like when we know the key. This article explores some simple ways to do that efficiently...
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